Welcome to the Local Pulse Website! Follow us below...
Mosquito Beach = Gullah Convention and Visitors Bureau
Homeschool = Growing Spirit School Support — Local Pulse
Gullaxy is an every SATurday event where we Remember, Renourish, Reconnect, Recreate, Resist, and Relate in Resiliency. Workshops, Testimonies, Women’s Circles and Resource Sharing is highly recommended :) All ages and kids club ongoing.
Postcards: Movement to send thousands of postcards to the White House telling them of things you oppose and supporting the Post Office
50501 = 50 States, 50 Protests, 1 Movement: Next Nationwide Protest Date April 5th - We will Gather at Mosquito Beach 2 - 6 for Gullaxy and propose a Protest walking down Folly Rd and then down Sol Legare to Mosquito Beach
Work together, Be a Team Player, Look at Others in the Eyes and Ask for Help when you need it: Overcome the Bystander Effect https://youtu.be/GZgIYGaeWy0
Testimony: Tell your friends and neighbors how policies are affecting your life and share petitions/actions/etc.
News About Police & Prisons in SC:
News about new Anti- Abortion Bill in SC: Stricter abortion ban under consideration at S.C. State House , Protests erupt as SC bill seeks to ban all abortions, no exceptions for rape and incest , https://youtu.be/IXrTqAobJFY
Petitions on SC Total Abortion Ban: There are none. We need to start one.
News About LGBTQ+ Rights in SC: LGBT Rights in South Carolina, United States | Equaldex ,
Actions: LGBTQ Rights | ACLU of South Carolina
News about DEI Bills in SC: South Carolina House and Senate Introduce Legislation on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. - JDSupra , DEI bill would cost SC state agencies, universities at least $86 million, report says , How South Carolina Republican efforts to end DEI are ditching major GOP principles | Opinion , Bill targeting DEI policies in higher ed and state agencies sparks debate
Actions: Activists in South Carolina join nationwide economic blackout to protest DEI program cuts