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2 Sample Letters: with Email list below:
*** important*** come up with your own Subject Line and make one sentence in the beginning that is your own. State where you are from and a detail of importance, so that your message will be read and not just ignored as a stock message/petition.
Adult Point of View
ATTN: Chief of Police
I write to you today as a concerned citizen of the United States, as a human devastated by the unequal treatment of black and brown people by our police and judicial system. Not another day can go by with brutality and the fear that it causes by these practices and policies.
We need the following reforms immediately:
NAACP demands
Ban the use of knee holds and choke holds
Use of Force Continuum must ensure that there are at least 6 levels of steps with clear rules on escalation
Each State’s Open Records Act must ensure officer misconduct information and disciplinary histories are not shielded from the public. Re-certification credentials may be denied for police officers if determined that their use of deadly force was unwarranted by federal guidelines.
Implementation of Citizen’s/Community Review Board in municipalities to hold police departments accountable and build public confidence.
I would also like to add to these demands:
5. Riot control agents including tear gas and pepper spray are banned in international warfare under both the 1925 Geneva Protocol and the Chemical Weapons Convention of the 1990’s, this must be honored. A federal judge has ordered Denver police not to use chemical weapons or projectiles against peaceful protesters and therefore not violate our constitutional rights. We expect this to become the new systemic protocol.
6. Always-On Body Cameras for All Officers
7. Annual 3rd Party Camera Review Audits
8. Change of Training Techniques to include 10 week Jiu-Jitsu and de-escalation courses.
9. Require all force be reported
10. Ban shooting at moving vehicles and exhaust all alternatives before shooting
11. Duty to intervene if another officer is using excessive force.
Child’s Point of View:
Dear Police Officers,
My name is ______ and I am __ years old going into the ___ grade. I have sent you this letter to ask you a couple questions because of all the hurt and sadness on what is going on in our country. First of all, I know that some racist officers are out there, so how are the people from diverse cultures supposed to feel safe? If there are even a few bad policemen no one will trust any police officers at all. Plus, if there is any “bad apples” then the policemen are not protecting us, they are hurting us. Back to the questions, how do you protect us without race getting involved? How do we make diverse cultures in America feel welcome in a town where they are a minority? I would like you to ask yourself this next question. How are we still letting everyday people feel scared all day every day? I would like you to think about this letter and I would greatly enjoy if you took my ideas into consideration and hopefully into action. And also, what can I do? All kids deserve to feel safe and want to be with their families. Thank you for reading.
rbosler@abbevillevcitysc.com, chiefsullivan@allendalepolice.com, jstewart@cityofandersonsc.com, chiefofpolice@townofandrews.org, qrobinson@townofatlanticbeachsc.com, aynorpd@sccoast.net, bambergpd@bambergsc.com, chiefjohnson@cityofbarnwell.com, woswald@batesburg-leesville.org, mclancy@cityofbeaufort.org, tclamp@cityofbeltonsc.com, kevin.portee@benedict.edu, kevinmiller@bennettsvillesc.com, policedept@shtc.net, ccollins@bishopvillepd.org; chiefod@gmail.com, chief@blacksburgpd.com, chiefholston@yahoo.com, cchapmond@townofbluffton.com, jmulnix@bju.edu, bonneau_chief@tds.net, pendarvisk@yahoo.com, branchvillepf@gmail.com, bapd29572@gmail.com, jkey@burnettown.com, calhounfallspd@wctel.net, jfloyd@camdensc.org, townofcameron@windstream.net, cmcneil@campobellopd.com, bsnellgrove@cityofcayce-sc.gov, kjustice@cityofcentral.org, szeigler@chapinsc.com, disley@chs-airport.com, reynoldsl@charleston-sc.gov, Kthomas@cheraw.com, chiefswofford@chesnet.net, ewilliams@chester.sc.gov, chiefhewett@chesterfieldpdsc.org, jdixon@cityofclemson.org, gmullen@clemson.edu, tgoggins@cityofclintonsc.com, cliopdchief@gmail.com, rgrice@cloversc.org, wjamison@columbiasc.edu, e.martin@columbiaairport.com, whholbrook@columbiasc.net, chiefholbrook@columbiasc.net, dlong@cityofconway.com, odps_808@yahoo.com, mking@townofcoward.org, w.meredith@townofcowpens.com, kwashington@dpdsc.org, dpdchief@bellsouth.net, shulerel@denmarktech.edu, jldillon@bellsouth.net, duewestpd400@wctel.net, clong@duncanpd.org, ttollison@easleypd.org, chief@eastover.com, racarter@edgefieldpd.org, gbrothers@townofedistobeach.com, ehrhardt.sc.pd@gmail.com, chief@elginpolice.org, epdchief@elloreesc.com, estep@erskine.edu, mcollins1971@centurylink.net, eutawvillepd@gmail.com, Fairfax_policedepartment@yahoo.com, mucipalcourt@fairfield.net, aheidler@cityofflorence.com, sbailey@flyflo.us, agilreath@cityoffollybeach.com, gsealy@forestacrespd.net, chief@fortlawnpd.org, jhelms@fortmillsc.gov, keith.morton@fountaininn.org, dtarbell@fmarion.edu, john.milby@furman.edu, cskinner@gaffneypd.org, gastonpd@gastonsc.org, kwaites@cogsc.com, chiefrvick@centurylink.net, hbecker@cityofgoosecreek.com, chiefofpolice@greatfallspolicesc.com, togpd@ftc-I.net, kmiller@greenvillesc.gov, Gerald.brooks@cityofgreenwoodsc.com, bwelborn@gspairport.com, Terence.brooks@gvltec.edu, mhamby@cityofgreer.org, pmcalhaney@hamptonsc.gov, dturner@cityofhanahan.com, swoodard@cityofhardeeville.com, policechief@homesc.com, jerry.thompson@hartsvillesc.gov, hpd@sc.rr.com, chiefjoshdetter@gmail.com, hppd@charterinternet.com, hillj@horrycounty.org, ipd422@hotmail.com, irmopdchief@townofirmosc.com, KCORNETT@IOP.NET, jhawkins.ivapd@wctel.net, kliles@jackson-sc.gov, jamestownpd1@homesc.com, rdouglas@cityofjohnsonville.com, jpdrobinson@nctv.com, chjennings1@gmail.com, awilliams@kingstree.org, kcoker@cityoflakecity.org, lakeviewpd824@gmail.com, sgrant@lancastercitysc.com, ebriggs@lander.edu, kris.ahler@cityoflandrumsc.com, lane_chief@yahoo.com, derrick.cartwright@leo.gov, ccofield@cityoflaurenssc.com, jbhuggins@lexhealth.org, tgreen@lexsc.com, agilstrap@libertypd.org, garybhamner@yahoo.com, lorispolicechief@sccoast.net gbuley@sccoast.net, jhayes@lymansc.gov, kgrice@manningpolice.com, mpolice@marionsc.gov, bturner@mauldinpolice.com, mayesvillepolice@gmail.com, dlhayes911@aol.com, mccollpd361@yahoo.com, mccormickpd@wctel.net, kerley@musc.edu, rick.ollic@twn-mc.com, critchie@tompsc.com, ryan1992@yahoo.com, aprock@cityofmyrtlebeach.com, nepdchief@yahoo.com, rmcclurkin@cityofnewberry.com, nichols2028@bellsouth.net, chief96ps@yahoo.com, lshirer@windstream.net, rburgess@northcharleston.org, norwaypolicedept@gmail.com, olanta701@yahoo.com, olarpd1@gmail.com, tlogan@pacoletpd.com, cgreenlee@shtc.net, jgriner@pdso.us, pamplicopd@yahoo.com, policechief@twonofpawleysisland.com, mfanning@townofpi.com, mcrider@pelion.sc.gov, doyleb@townofpendleton.org, sunprincekomatsue@yahoo.com, triggs@pickenscity.com, nscott@prpd.sc.gov, abeach@portroyal.org, devans@prosperitysc.com, quinbypd@sc.rr.com, rspdchief@comporium.net, woods1101@msn.com, ridgevillepd@yahoo.com, cwatts@cityofrockhill.com, Dpoulson@salemsc.u, salleypd@comporium.net, holmes@townofsaluda.com, jserrano@townofsantee-sc.org, cmoore@sellerssc.org, jcovington@seneca.sc.us, scrantontown@gmail.com, mhanshaw@simpsonvillepd.com, dyoung.sh.chief@gmail.com, jshurmpert@southcongaree.org, kcornett@springdalesc.com, springfieldc2587@gmail.com, b.camp@stgeorgepolice.com, stmatthewspd@yahoo.com, ststephenpd@tds.net, cgriffin@sullivansisland-sc.com, policechief@townofsummerton.com, jrogers@summervillesc.gov, rroark@sumter-sc.com, chayes@swanseapd.net, sparker@tegacaysc.gov, billybrown192@gmail.com, ford@trpolice.com, ttrenton@comcast.net, turbevbillepd@ftc-i.net, chieftsmith@yahoo.com, jeremy_hill1980@hotmail.com, wmarvin@walterborosc.org, tcarpenter@wspolice.org, dgreen@wellfordpd.com, dtyndall@westcolumbiasc.gov, wppdchiefclardy@yahoo.com whitmirepd@bellsouth.net, tctaylor@williamstonsc.us, roger@williston-sc.com, jseibles@truevista.net gryan@cityofwoodruff.com, arobinson@yorkcitysc.com, galexander@yemassee.org
Attorney Generals State Attorney General Alan Wilson (803) 734-3970 The Honorable Alan Wilson PO Box 11549 Columbia, SC 29211 Email n/a
US Attorney for SC Peter McCoy, JR (843) 727-4381 Wells Fargo Building 1441 Main Street Suite 500 Columbia, SC 29402
Or: Liberty Center Building 151 Meeting Street Suite 200 Charleston, SC 29402
2 Sample Letters: with Email list below:
*** important*** come up with your own Subject Line and make one sentence in the beginning that is your own. State where you are from and a detail of importance, so that your message will be read and not just ignored as a stock message/petition.
Adult Point of View
ATTN: School Board or Dept. of Education
As we look at the current circumstances of our country, we must address education as a fundamental step toward healing our cultures and history. Knowledge is key. We are a country founded on genocide and slavery, as well as freedom of belief and inherent value of individual rights. We are a melting pot of diversity and our population cannot be considered educated if we leave out important developments, leaders and truths about how we got to where we are today.
In 2018, and set to go into effect in 2020, the Proposed SC Social Studies Standards do not include, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, John C. Calhoun or Robert Smalls. To leave these key figures out of our children’s education, is to rob them of essential heroes of how we have climbed out of inequality. We should be celebrating the diverse history of our nation, as that is our history. Native American history which existed on this land thousands of years before our short 400 ish years, is vastly glossed over.
As a concerned citizen who wants to see equality reach our country truly, it is imperative that our children’s education include:
Bountiful key figures from diverse cultures and the stories of how they shaped our history
The understanding that multi-cultural history is our history
Books on reading lists written by diverse peoples
Local heroes and legends from Gullah Geechee and Kusco Indian
Current heroes and legends from these cultures highlighted
Curriculum that include innovations such as The Massacre of Black Wall Street from the Atlantic @ https://www.theatlantic.com/sponsored/hbo-2019/the-massacre-of-black-wall-street/3217/
Child’s Point of View:
Dear, School Board Members
My name is _______ and I am __ years old going into the ___ grade. I have to write this letter because I have seen what is going on in our country, and it makes me feel __________ and _________. I want to know what we can learn in school that may help. Not long ago I watched a movie about Harriet Tubman and the underground railroad. It made me think of last year when I learned about the civil war, and how I now think that I did not learn enough about all the people that helped in the cause to end slavery. I’d like to know, are you required to not put all this important information in, or do you just not do your best research? In 2018 the school system declared that important leaders from the civil rights movement would be taken out of the teaching in 2020. Why would you do this? Instead of taking them out we need to learn about them more. I remember learning about slavery, and how sad it is. But learning about the heroes that helped is what helps kids feel that there was hope then. And we need to feel that hope now. Everyday, kids face the hopelessness. Please help make us hope. Thank you.
Eric_Mack@charleston.k12.sc.uskate_darby@charleston.k12.sc.uscindy_bohn, coats@charleston.k12.sc.us, chris_collins@charleston.k12.sc.us, todd_garrett@charleston.k12.sc.us, kevin_hollinshead@charleston.k12.sc.us, priscilla_jeffery@charleston.k12.sc.us, joyce_green@charleston.k12.sc.us, chris_fraser@charleston.k12.sc.us
kenrichardson@horrycountyschools.net, johnposton@horrycountyschools.net, wrussellfreeman@horrycountyschools.net, sherrietodd@horrycountyschools.net, raywinters@horrycountyschools.net, davidcox@horrycountyschools.net, janicemorreale@horrycountyschools.net, helensmith@horrycountyschools.net, janetgraham@horrycountyschools.net, chrishardwick@horrycountyschools.net, neiljames@horrycountyschools.net, shandaallen@horrycountyschools.net
llwells22@gmail.com, lisahwells@yahoo.com, gsmf7782@gmail.com, dbush19@aol.com, roychamlee@gmail.com, mgoodwincalwiled25@gmail.com, joy@joy4education.com, derek@lewis4schools.com, rdmeek@bellsouth.net, crystalball.oconnor@gmail.com, chucksaylors@gmail.com, sudduthp@bellsouth.net
kenrichardson@horrycountyschools.net, johnposton@horrycountyschools.net, wrussellfreeman@horrycountyschools.net, sherrietodd@horrycountyschools.net, raywinters@horrycountyschools.net, davidcox@horrycountyschools.net, janicemorreale@horrycountyschools.net, helensmith@horrycountyschools.net, janetgraham@horrycountyschools.net, chrishardwick@horrycountyschools.net, neiljames@horrycountyschools.net, shandaallen@horrycountyschools.net
MBrenan@BBandT.com, woodallk@bellsouth.net, jbutzon@sc.rr.com, cstapleton@bsd45.net, djohnson@csd2.org, chap5971@gmail.com, twest@columbiasc.edu, jgreen@fairfield1.org, chinze@bellsouth.net, cynthiaadowns@bellsouth.net, kobrovskyl@bellsouth.net, debbyhoward49@bellsouth.net, englishs@mccormick.k12.sc.us, jpearson28@bellsouth.net, dwhittem@bellsouth.net, valareecsmith@netscape.net, AWalters@gcsd.k12.sc.us
2 Sample Letters: with Email list below:
*** important*** come up with your own Subject Line and make one sentence in the beginning that is your own. State where you are from and a detail of importance, so that your message will be read and not just ignored as a stock message/petition.
Adult Point of View
ATTN: Elected Seat Representative
As the land of the free, I believe that every person in office in our country needs to be actively anti-racist/bias.It simply goes against true equality and freedom. The end of slavery was 158 years ago. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated 52 years ago. The Rodney King riots were almost 30 years ago. And here we are, in chaos and destruction because we still need to embark in real change.
This civil unrest is due to injustice, and we need to put tangible effort into equal justice for all. Please take a real look at what your position can do to address systematic inequalities. We need to show efforts at reconciliation and reparation for the tremendous harm that has been caused by the past methods this country has used to gain at the tremendous expense of others. As an elected leader, for our beautiful citizens, I hold you accountable.
It is our duty and I expect you to uphold:
That Police protect citizens from harm and any type of unnecessary force or military action against them
De-militarize the police and end the 1033 Program
End Qualified Immunity and Court Protections for Police
Change training for police especially in de-escalation and self defense
Stop privatized prisons
Actively target schools for racially diverse and inclusive curriculum
And possibly most important - as the key city used to import slaves in the Americas, it is imperative to deed city owned slave markets and dwellings to African American entities which support local diasporas.
There are many large wounds on American history, but the two fundamental ones that we are founded on are: one, the genocide of which we stole all the land and sustainable livelihood from Native Americans, and two, the enslavement of Africans, stolen and persecuted for the gain of whites/cities/states/wealthy. This legacy has created horrific racism towards black and brown people that touches every single aspect of their/our lives for generations.
As 2020 gives us clear vision, our country is truly seeing the effects of systematic racism and the debilitating horror it continues to have on us all. In every state, when white people get between the police and people of color, there is an instant protection because of their whiteness. Across the country, small business owners who are people of color have a far worse chance of rebounding and making it through the COVID crisis. For the city to hand over slave trade property, which is the epicenter of the history of slavery, to those whose families are descendants of slavery and the violent and thieving history it has created, would send a message to America that we can heal. A message that we can do better by each other and admit our mistakes. A message that the city can and does support Black Lives as true matter with the reparations they deserve.
I have sent a letter to every police department and D.A. in my state. In that letter I support the NAACP demands as well as other educated processes for a better policing of Americans.
I have sent a letter to every school board member suggesting more inclusive curriculum, current diverse heroes and a well rounded understanding of how we have become the country we are today.
And I have sent my local elected officials this letter so that we can become a country worthy of true pride. A country of healing, hope and real freedom to pursue happiness equally for all. A country where liberty and justice is for all.
Please stop gentrifying our neighborhoods. Let’s give back some small part of what has been taken, as well as educate, protect and serve. So that our children’s America, is one we can truly be proud of.
Child’s Point of View:
Dear Political Representatives,
My name is _________ and I am __ years old going into the ___ grade. Our country is supposed to be the land of the free and justice for all. But it is not actually this at all. It makes me feel _______ and it doesn’t seem fair that all people do not get the same treatment. First of all, I would like to talk about why we have done so many hurtful things to other Americans. I know that our history has bad things, but why do we still do so many bad things? Why don’t we say we are sorry and do something to prove it? Why don’t we do better and treat everyone with equality. And what about Martial Law? Why is martial law got to be so easy for the president to put in place? It is not ok for our military to fight unarmed and untrained people over buildings. We need to make more laws on protecting our people, and make the laws safe enough to not have anyways around them. We need to start testing policemen to see if they are racist without them knowing so that the new laws we make can be enforced by officers and so people can feel safe in their daily lives, not threatened. A thing I saw today made me think in a new perspective and I thought that I should put it into this letter. If we have a few racist officers, then what is the point in them at all because we can trust none of them. If any of them are “bad apples” then they are not protecting us they are hurting us. We don’t deserve to be hurt. We just want happiness and freedom for everybody.
Mayor and District Council members listed in order from District 1 -12
tecklenburgj@charleston-sc.gov, delcioppom@charleston-sc.gov, shealyk@charleston-sc.gov, jasonsc@charleston-sc.gov, mitchellro@charleston-sc.gov, bradyk@charleston-sc.gov, gregoriewd@charleston-sc.gov, waringp@charleston-sc.gov, seekingsm@charleston-sc.gov, peter@charlestoncitycouncil9.org, griffinh@charleston-sc.gov, appelr@charleston-sc.gov, jackson@charleston-sc.gov
Mayor- bwoolsey@jamesislandsc.us, dboles@jamesislandsc.us, garrettmilliken@jamesislandsc.us, darrentroymullinax@jamesislandsc.us cmignano@jamesislandsc.us
tgoodwin@cityoffollybeach.com, eellis@cityoffollybeach.com, wfarley@cityoffollybeach.com, lhull@cityoffollybeach.com, tmarshall@cityoffollybeach.com, drich@cityoffollybeach.com, aray@cityoffollybeach.com
oneilp@sullivansisland.sc.gov, cclark@sullivansisland.sc.gov, sarahforsullivans#gmail.com, ghammond@sullivansisland.sc.gov, treese@sullivansisland.sc.gov, bsmith@sullivansisland.sc.gov
cweaver@kiawahisland.org, mcconnelly@kiawahisland.org, dprickett@kiawahisland.org, ksaid@kiawahisland.org, cwiduch@kiawahisland.org
jgregg@townofseabrookisland.org, scrane@townofseabrookisland.org, jfinke@townofseabrookisland.org, pfox@townofseabrookisland.org, bgoldstein@townofseabrookisland.org
rickywaring@summervillesc.gov, wbailey@summervillesc.gov, abrown@summervillessc.gov, tjenkins@summervillesc.gov, kgarten-schmidt@summervillesc.gov, bjackson@summervillesc.gov, rickywaring@summervillesc.gov, wmclntosh@summervillesc.gov
ghaviv@cityofgoosecreek.com, kcondon@cityofgoosecreek.com, dgreen-fletcher@cityofgoosecreek.com, jtekac@cityofgoosecreek.com, cmcclary@cityofgoosecreek.com, gmcswain@cityofgoosecreek.com, charmon@cityofgoosecreek.com
Town Council Members-
Town Council Members-
mayor@northcharleston.org, mabrown@northcharleston.org, ncdist2@comcast.net, vjamison@northcharleston.org, rbrin@aol.com, jheyward@northcharleston.org, dwilliams@northcharleston.org, shart@northcharleston.org, bob1408.king@comcast.net, klskipper@gmail.com, bmichaelchr@aol.com
Mayor: kwhite@greenvillesc.gov City Council: JDeWorken@greenvillesc.gov, LFlemming@greenvillesc.gov, KGibson@greenvillesc.gov, wbrasington@greenvillesc.gov, DDowe@greenvillesc.gov, rstall@greenvillesc.gov, jmcdonough@greenvillesc.gov
Mayor: rdanner@cityofgreer.org City Council: wgriffin@cityofgreer.org, jalbert@cityofgreer.org, jarrowood@cityofgreer.org, wbettis@cityofgreer.org, mhopper@cityofgreer.org, ldumas@cityofgreer.org, edriggers@cityofgreer.org
Mayor: tmerritt@mauldincitysc.com City Council: tmatney@mauldincitysc.com, cking@mauldincitysc.com, mreynolds@mauldincitysc.com, daleblack@bellsouth.net, dkuzniar@mauldincitysc.com
Mayor: mayorshewmaker@simpsonville.com City Council: mgooch@simpsonville.com, skelley@simpsonville.com, jhulehan@simpsonville.com, sroche@simpsonville.com, kcummings@simpsonville.com, lhutchings@simpsonville.com
Mayor: brandy@travelersrestsc.com City Council: grant@travelersrestsc.com, kelly@travelersrestsc.com, harvey@travelersrestsc.com, shaniece@travelersrestsc.com, rick@travelersrestsc.com, jeff@travelersrestsc.com, brantly@travelersrestsc.com, sara@travelersrestsc.com
Mayor: gp.mcleer@fountaininn.org City Council: john.mahony@fountaininn.org, jay.thomason@fountaininn.org, aj.dearybury@fountaininn.org, phil.clemmer@fountaininn.org, anthony.cunningham@fountaininn.org, mack.blackstone@fountaininn.org
Mayor: juniewhite1937@gmail.com
City Council: spartanburg6@gmail.com, jamiefulmer@att.net, rlittlejohn@cityofspartanburg.org, rrain@cityofspartanburg.org, rice855@bellsouth.net, mesmith@cityofspartanburg.org
Mayor: bbethune@cityofmyrtlebeach.com
Mayor Pro Tem/City Council: jhatley@cityofmyrtlebeach.com
City Council/Town Council mchestnut@cityofmyrtlebeach.com, johnkrajc@cityofmyrtlebeach.com, mlowder@cityofmyrtlebeach.com, prender@cityofmyrtlebeach.com, gsmith@cityofmyrtlebeach.com
Mayor: mayorjohnkgardner@townofaynor.net
City Council/Town Council: chris_shelley53@yahoo.com, tongodsey@aol.com, collinscs65@gmail.com
Specific info not available
General info: tofba29572@gmail.com
Mayor: mayor@cityofconway.com
Mayor Pro Tem: shubbard@cityofconway.com
City Council/Town Council: ahyman@cityofconway.com, wgoldfinch@cityofconway.com, jdjordan@cityofconway.com, jtimbes@cityofconwy.com, lwhite@cityofconway.com
Mayor: Toddharrelson@sccoast.net
City Council/Town Council: Joangause@yahoo.com, Lhardeejr@yahoo.com, Tthardee@santeecooper.com, Carrolldpadgett@yahoo.com, Msuggs62@yahoo.com, jvescovi843@gmail.com
Mayor: mayorhatley@nmb.us
Mayor Pro Tem/City Council:twwhite@nmb.us
City Council/Town Council: jobaldwin@nmb.us, rjcavanaugh@nmb.us, njfontana@nmb.us, Hank.thomas@century21thomas.com, jfcoyne@nmb.us
Mayor: brian@pimentocheese.com
City Council/Town Council: guerry@screentight.com, rholliday@holliassoc.com, racarter111@aol.com, ubecrabin@aol.com
Mayor: bhellyer@surfsidebeach.org
Mayor Pro Tem: dscoles@surfsidebeach.org
City Council/Town Council: bdietrich@surfsidebeach.org, mdrake@surfsidebeach.org, pholder@surfsidebeach.org, ckeating@surfsidebeach.org, DPellegrino@surfsidebeach.org